8 Day Yoga, Pilates, and Workout Retreat in Tenerife
Join CanaryWell for a restorative yoga, pilates, and workout vacation retreat in Tenerife, that focuses on your healthy body and mind. You'll leave feeling rejuvenated, full of energy, and with a good Canarian vibe. With the help of your own personal trainer, you will attend morning classes in yoga, Pilates, and training exercises. You will also receive massages in the afternoon or right after the morning workout classes to help your muscles relax and soften after a long day!
Join CanaryWell for a restorative yoga, pilates, and workout vacation retreat in Tenerife, that focuses on your healthy body and mind. You'll leave feeling rejuvenated, full of energy, and with a good Canarian vibe. With the help of your own personal trainer, you will attend morning classes in yoga, Pilates, and training exercises. You will also receive massages in the afternoon or right after the morning workout classes to help your muscles relax and soften after a long day!
Wellness program
Day 1
- 08:30 Yoga class or Mindfulness
- 09:30 Breakfast (light recommended)
- 11:00 Massage (choose your favorites)
- 12:00 Tea time, and healthy aperitives
- Free time with options for excursions around the island!
Day 2
- 08:30 Pilates / workout sessions
- 09:30 Breakfast (light recommended)
- 11:00 Massage (choose your favorites)
- 12:00 Tea time, and healthy aperitives
- Free time with options for excursions around the island!
Day 3
- 08:30 Yoga class or Mindfulness
- 09:30 Breakfast (light recommended)
- 11:00 Massage (choose your favorites)
- 12:00 Tea time, and healthy aperitives
- Free time with options for excursions around the island!
Day 4
- 08:30 Pilates / workout sessions
- 09:30 Breakfast (light recommended)
- 11:00 Massage (choose your favorites)
- 12:00 Tea time, and healthy aperitives
- Free time with options for excursions around the island!
Day 5
- 08:30 Yoga class or Mindfulness
- 09:30 Breakfast (light recommended)
- 11:00 Massage (choose your favorites)
- 12:00 Tea time, and healthy aperitives
- Free time with options for excursions around the island!
Day 6
- 08:30 Pilates / Workout sessions
- 09:30 Breakfast (light recommended)
- 11:00 Massage (choose your favorites)
- 12:00 Tea time, and healthy aperitives
- 13:00 Excursion to Teide national park or a similar destination, with lunch or dinner
Day 7
- 08:30 Yoga class or Mindfulness
- 09:30 Breakfast (light recommended)
- 11:00 Massage (choose your favorites)
- 12:00 Tea time, and healthy aperitives
- Free time with options for excursions around the island!
Day 8
- 08:30 Pilates / workout sessions
- 09:30 Breakfast (light recommended)
- 11:00 Massage (choose your favorites)
- 12:00 Tea time, and healthy aperitives
- Free time with options for excursions around the island!
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Teachers & Coaches

Mindfulness and Yoga teacher