7 Day Detox, Ayurveda, Yoga & Nature Retreat
The Retreat
In a quiet environment (El Tanque) in amazing remote mountain areas, in the north of Tenerife - but also near the beach, we can host 4 (to 6) people for a retreat that mixes practical learning and relaxation in the nature. We will focus on detoxification with the use of yoga practices mild, foods and herbs that reduce inflammation in the body. We will include educational talks about Ayurveda, so that the participant learns in practice and theory.
Retreat Objectives
Spend a week on vacation and at the same time detoxify your mind and body with a healthy, light eating and good habits like meditating and breathing in the morning. Learn new natural self-care tools to take home. Connect with nature and reduce stress with yoga and Ayurveda
Concept Talks / Ayurveda Talks
Explain the bases of Ayurveda and small simple practices or knowledge so that one can continue practicing at home, such as morning routine and self massage (self-abhyanga).
The Yoga Concept
The yoga practiced will be a “yoga for everyone” and for all ages.
Previous experience or physical talent is not necessary. We base the yoga on simple movements / easy-to-do asanas. doing and learning coordinated with breathing in a 20-minute sequence to that can be practiced daily. Original sequence of KRISHNAMACHARYA
The Meditation Concept
In the morning it is optional to meditate. We will do it for 11 minutes in a group. During the day we will do some walking/movement meditations in nature.
Yoga Nidra
Yoga nidra is yoga for sleep, a guided meditation that is extremely relaxing and invigorating. We will have a recording so you can listen to it before going to sleep in your own bed, to prepare a restorative sleep.
Primary language is English, but depending on the group, German and Spanish can also be spoken.
- 21. - 27 February (fully booked)
- 15. - 21. March (STILL AVAILABILITY!)
The Retreat
In a quiet environment (El Tanque) in amazing remote mountain areas, in the north of Tenerife - but also near the beach, we can host 4 (to 6) people for a retreat that mixes practical learning and relaxation in the nature. We will focus on detoxification with the use of yoga practices mild, foods and herbs that reduce inflammation in the body. We will include educational talks about Ayurveda, so that the participant learns in practice and theory.
Retreat Objectives
Spend a week on vacation and at the same time detoxify your mind and body with a healthy, light eating and good habits like meditating and breathing in the morning. Learn new natural self-care tools to take home. Connect with nature and reduce stress with yoga and Ayurveda
Concept Talks / Ayurveda Talks
Explain the bases of Ayurveda and small simple practices or knowledge so that one can continue practicing at home, such as morning routine and self massage (self-abhyanga).
The Yoga Concept
The yoga practiced will be a “yoga for everyone” and for all ages.
Previous experience or physical talent is not necessary. We base the yoga on simple movements / easy-to-do asanas. doing and learning coordinated with breathing in a 20-minute sequence to that can be practiced daily. Original sequence of KRISHNAMACHARYA
The Meditation Concept
In the morning it is optional to meditate. We will do it for 11 minutes in a group. During the day we will do some walking/movement meditations in nature.
Yoga Nidra
Yoga nidra is yoga for sleep, a guided meditation that is extremely relaxing and invigorating. We will have a recording so you can listen to it before going to sleep in your own bed, to prepare a restorative sleep.
Primary language is English, but depending on the group, German and Spanish can also be spoken.
- 21. - 27 February (fully booked)
- 15. - 21. March (STILL AVAILABILITY!)
Wellness program
Day 1
- 15:00 Check-in & Welcome! (with tea)
- 15 - 16:00 Talk about Ayurveda, and explanation of activities
- 16 - 18:00 Walk in the nature close to the house
- 19:00 Light dinner/soup
- 21:30 Yoga Nidra (guided meditation for sleep)
Day 2
- 7:45 Meditation
- 8:00 Yoga Krishnamacharia
- 9:00 Group cooking - preparing breakfast
- 9:30 Light breakfast
- 10 - 12:30 Walk in nature
- 13:30 Lunch in Buenavista
- 15:00 Walk in nature, beach or mountain
- 16 - 18:00 Ayurveda talk - What is Doshas - Vata, Pitta, Kapha? And the benefits to know yours
- 19:00 Light dinner/soup
Day 3
- 7:45 Meditation & breathing techniques
- 8:00 Ayruveda self-care (Abyanga, auto oil massage, skin care routine)
- 9:00 Group cooking - preparing breakfast
- 9:30 Light breakfast
- 10 - 12:30 Walk in nature (natural Ocean pool, mountains)
- 13:30 Picnic at the natural pools
- 15:00 - 19:00 Free or optional massage treatments (in Taoro)
- 19:00 Light dinner/soup
- 21:30 Yoga Nidra (guided meditation for sleep)
Day 4
- 7:45 Meditation & breathing techniques
- 8:00 Ayruveda self-care (Abyanga, auto oil massage, skin care routine)
- 9:00 Group cooking - preparing breakfast
- 9:30 Light breakfast
- 10:00 Visit Teide national park and walk in the volcanic nature
- 13:30 Picnic at the Teide national park
- 15:00 Visiting the Teide national park + dynamic meditation close the volcano
- 18:00 Group cooking - preparing dinner
- 19:00 Light dinner
Day 5
- 7:45 Meditation & breathing techniques
- 8:00 Ayruveda self-care (Abyanga, auto oil massage, skin care routine)
- 9:00 Group cooking - preparing breakfast
- 9:30 Light breakfast
- 10 - 12:30 Walk in nature (beach or mountain)
- 12:30 Group cooking - preparing lunch
- 13:30 - 14:00 Lunch at home or picnic
- 15:00 - 16:00 Free or optional massage treatments (in Taoro)
- 16:00 - 18:00 Ayurveda talk/class (detoxify with Ayurveda)
- 19:00 Light dinner / soup
- 21:30 Yoga Nidra (guided meditation for sleep)
Day 6
- 7:45 Meditation
- 8:00 Yoga (20 min morning breath practice for vitality and peace)
- 9:00 Group cooking - preparing breakfast
- 9:30 Light breakfast
- 9:30 - 12:30 Free or optional massage treatments (in Taoro)
- 12:30 Group cooking - preparing lunch
- 13:30 Lunch at home
- Free time
Day 7
- 7:45 Meditation & breathing techniques
- 8:00 Ayruveda self-care (Abyanga, auto oil massage, skin care routine)
- 9:00 Group cooking - preparing breakfast
- 9:30 Light breakfast
- 10:00 - 12:00 Check-out and farewell
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